늦가을 광교산의 들꽃과 나무
가까운 곳에 있어 산책 겸해 자주 오르는 광교산에도 계절 따라 꽃들이 피고 집니다. 늦가을 산책길에 만난 들꽃들, 그 중에는 봄에 피어야 할 할미꽃이 계절을 잊고 피기도 헸군요.
할미꽃, 개망초, 구절초, 국수나무, 노루발풀, 댕댕이덩굴, 들깨풀, 미국쑥부쟁이, 미역취, 병꽃나무, 사위질빵, 쇠풀, 신나무, 쑥, 억새, 엉겅퀴, 쥐똥나무, 진달래, 찔레꽃, 참나무 충영(벌레집), 청미래덩굴
Wild Flowers and Trees in Late Autumn, Korea
Flowers bloom and bloom in Gwanggyosan Mountain, which is nearby and often climbs for a walk. The wild flowers I met on the trail in late autumn, among them, Korean pasque-flower that should bloom in spring, have forgotten the season.
Below are the names of the flowers and trees I saw (Flora of Korea)
Korean pasque-flower, Daisy Fleabane, White-lobe Korean dendranthema, Laceshrub, East Asian wintergreen, Queen coralbead, Purplish field mosla, White Heath Aster, Asian goldenrod, Korean weigela, Three-leaf clematis, Short-leaf bluestemgrass, Amur maple, Artemisia princeps, Purple maiden silvergrass, Ussuri thistle, Border privet, Korean rhododendron, Multiflora rose, Gall, East Asian greenbrier
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