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늦가을 광교산의 들꽃과 나무 (Wild Flowers and Trees in Late Autumn, Korea)

오죽 (OJ) 2021. 1. 15. 07:15

늦가을 광교산의 들꽃과 나무




가까운 곳에 있어 산책 겸해 자주 오르는 광교산에도 계절 따라 꽃들이 피고 집니다. 늦가을 산책길에 만난 들꽃들, 그 중에는 봄에 피어야 할 할미꽃이 계절을 잊고 피기도 헸군요.


할미꽃, 개망초, 구절초, 국수나무, 노루발풀, 댕댕이덩굴, 들깨풀, 미국쑥부쟁이, 미역취, 병꽃나무, 사위질빵, 쇠풀, 신나무, , 억새, 엉겅퀴, 쥐똥나무, 진달래, 찔레꽃, 참나무 충영(벌레집), 청미래덩굴


Wild Flowers and Trees in Late Autumn, Korea

Flowers bloom and bloom in Gwanggyosan Mountain, which is nearby and often climbs for a walk. The wild flowers I met on the trail in late autumn, among them, Korean pasque-flower that should bloom in spring, have forgotten the season.


Below are the names of the flowers and trees I saw (Flora of Korea)

Korean pasque-flower, Daisy Fleabane, White-lobe Korean dendranthema, Laceshrub, East Asian wintergreen, Queen coralbead, Purplish field mosla, White Heath Aster, Asian goldenrod, Korean weigela, Three-leaf clematis, Short-leaf bluestemgrass, Amur maple, Artemisia princeps, Purple maiden silvergrass, Ussuri thistle, Border privet, Korean rhododendron, Multiflora rose, Gall, East Asian greenbrier